This course provides practical guidance on how to prepare project proposals with the goal of obtaining funding from the DG INTPA/DG NEAR and the EU delegations for your development cooperation programs. Discover how the EU funding and programming system works. Learn how to deal with calls for proposals and strengthen your competence in proposal writing and budgeting to be successful in the grant application process.
The amount dedicated to EU External Actions represents 10% of the EU Budget total amount, that is, in other words, more than 17billions euros per year. The EU External Actions funds covers: Africa, Asia, Central Asia and the Pacific, Enlargement region, European Neighbourhood, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East Gulf region. The EU External Actions funds also covers a large variety of topics, such as: the European Green Deal, Alliances for sustainable growth, Human development, Partnering on migration, Peace and security, Human rights, democracy, fundamental values, Technology and innovation.
Day 1
The first day of the course provides the background information about the EU external actions and development environment, its structure and the way it works. The participants are provided with a solid understanding of the respective roles of the European Commission, of the countries which benefit from the grants and the beneficiary organisations. They will go into details of the structure of the external funds and will have a deep understanding of how to navigate through calls, finding the right one and how the projects work. participants will have a look at the structure of the calls and of the proposal writing process. They will learn how to know if a call fits them, and what the European Commission expects both during the call and for the writing process of the project. They will have a practical exercise to ensure that they understand the guidelines of a call for proposals, and will start learning about the concept note.
Day 2
On day 2 of the training, participants will start with a practical exercise on the concept note for a better comprehension of the theory on the previous day. They will review the last important points of proposal writing, common pitfalls and expectations from the European Commission, and they will have a look at the budget, with all kinds of costs. The training will end with an exit quiz.
By the end of this training course, you will be able to:
- Detect what is important to know about the EU funding and programming system.
- Identify and analyze the EU programming documents related to financial instruments and multi-annual strategic documents.
- Follow the key steps of the application process in a call for proposals.
- Fill out the concept note and full application with relevant information, according to EU requirements and evaluation criteria.
- Draft sound logframes.
- Draft realistic budgets in compliance with eligibility rules and requirements.
- Increase the success rate of you project proposals.
Course’s Benefits & Outcomes:
To know how to use the evaluation grid of the concept note and the full proposal
Draw a timeline and manage the process from the publication of a Call for proposals to the award of contract
Participation in the award of grant contracts is open to any NGO, public entity, University or Local Authorities, International Organisations. Applicants must be established in a Member State of the European Union or in a country eligible for the respective external financing instrument under which the specific project is financed.
Participation fee for the 2 days training:
In-Class €1790 exl. VAT
Remote €1390 exl. VAT
Training package includes:
Admission to the course
Course’s Handbook
Hard copies of training material
Certificate on the “How to obtain an EU External Actions and Cooperation grant? ” training completion
Certificate of attendance
Accreditation to Professionals Directory
Complimentary coffee & snack breaks
Complimentary networking lunch breaks
Filipe Santos is an INTPA accredited trainer for grant rules and procedure:
- Responsible for the drafting of the PRAG training material (EuropeAid Unit R3 Legal Affairs) From 2000 to 2022
- Preparation and implementation of a video training capsule on grants for Expertise France 2022
- Assistance to verify and draft a set of documents dedicated to the launch of call for proposals and award of grant contracts for Sequa 2022
- Carrying out a capacity building course in setting up development projects in intended for local authorities members of the AIRF (Agence Internationale des Régions Francophones) 2021 – 2022
- “How to apply to a call for proposals ?” Coordination SUD- From 2009 to 2011
- Training on UE funds and grants Cités Unies France- Jan.2011
- Training on New funding lines, Tendering rules and procedures and Proposal writing UK International Rescue Committee- November 2008
- Legal advisor for the implementation of EuropeAid funded projects Enabel 2013 to 2015
- Trainer on PRAG for the International Labour Organisation Since 2016
- Training on grant contract implementation IRD (Institut de recherche pour le développement- June and Dec 2015
- Legal advisor for the implementation of EuropeAid funded projects GRET NGO Since 2013