European Academy’s latest online course on “Impact of EC Funded Research” was a huge success! Held on April 27th and 28th, this comprehensive course provided participants with valuable insights into the world of EC-funded research and how it impacts society.
Our expert led attendees through interactive sessions, case studies, and real-life examples to help them understand the importance of EC-funded research and develop strategies to maximize its impact. From navigating complex funding structures to understanding the latest research trends, participants gained practical knowledge and skills they will be able to immediately apply to their own research projects.
One of the key takeaways from the course was the crucial role of EC-funded research in driving innovation and addressing societal challenges. Our instructor highlighted the various funding mechanisms available for researchers and policymakers and shared practical tips and tools for developing successful project proposals.
Whether you are a researcher, project manager, or policy maker, this course is essential for anyone involved in the communication and exploitation of EU funded projects. So why wait? Register here today and take your research projects to the next level!