Tender Monitoring
Every week, the European Commission publicises about 2,400 public procurement notices. This page is updated hourly between Monday and Friday and includes the latest calls for tenders published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU. Every procurement document is published in all 24 official EU languages. Click on the topics that interest you and read further information in your preferred language.
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TED | Research and Development | ALL | EN
- 785902-2024: Poland – Supervision of building work – Pełnienie funkcji „Inżyniera Kontraktu” w ramach inwestycji: „Budowa węzła na skrzyżowaniu autostrady A4 z drogą wojewódzką nr 986 w miejscowości Ostrów”Publication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 785314-2024: Germany – Research and experimental development services – Generalüberholung und technische Aufrüstung BASt SKM GL2499Publication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 785579-2024: Czechia – Research and experimental development services – Dismantling experimentu EPSPPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 784923-2024: Norway – Auxiliary research vessel – Floating research centre - Møre Ocean labPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 785034-2024: Ireland – Project management consultancy services – Request for Tenders for the Operation of TFI Smarter Travel Programme and Smarter Travel MarkPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 784356-2024: Spain – Research and development services and related consultancy services – Servicio de construcción de librerías y secuenciación WES y RNAseq, para el proyecto de investigación MELCAYA 101096667 y el proyecto FORT23/00002 del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), para la FRCB-IDIBAPS.Publication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 784782-2024: Germany – Research and development services and related consultancy services – C3S2_314_bis Support for Climate Reanalysis including Satellite Data RescuePublication date: 20/12/2024; Deadline for requesting additional information: 20/01/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 782866-2024: Norway – Research and development services and related consultancy services – (24290) Assignments for the Concept programmePublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 782898-2024: France – IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support – Accord cadre pour la fourniture de prestations d'accès à des bases documentaires, à des analyses, à des expertises et à des évènements dans le domaine des Systèmes d’informationsPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 782714-2024: France – Pre-feasibility study and technological demonstration – Mission d'assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage destinée à la réalisation d'une étude de préfiguration de projets en énergies renouvelables et de récupération (EnR&R).Publication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 782718-2024: Malta – Research and development services and related consultancy services – Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) to establish an EUAA list of external remunerated expertsPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Prior information notice or a periodic indicative notice used as a call for competition – standard regime
- 782674-2024: Germany – Research and development services and related consultancy services – MULE - Mehrbenutzer-Raketenstartplatz für EuropaPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 782627-2024: Germany – Research and development services and related consultancy services – Forschungsprojekt - DZSF - Nutzung von Biomassen entlang der SchieneninfrastrukturPublication date: 20/12/2024; Deadline for requesting additional information: 21/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 782523-2024: Spain – Research consultancy services – Contrato de servicios para el apoyo en la supervisión de organizaciones encargadas de la gestión y ejecución del mantenimiento de vehículos ferroviariosPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 785960-2024: Norway – Research and development services and related consultancy services – Monitoring programme Ytre OslofjordPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 782922-2024: France – Research laboratory services – Prestations de réalisation CAO d'un testchip CMOSPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 782466-2024: Denmark – Research and development services and related consultancy services – Direkte tildeling af konsulenthjælp til udvikling af et praktisk staldforsurings-koncept til reduktion af metan - 2024-0787061Publication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Voluntary ex-ante transparency notice
- 783047-2024: Latvia – Training programme services – Metodiskā materiāla un mācību programmas izstrāde, un tās īstenošana par iekļaujošas darba vides un diskriminācijas novēršanas jautājumiem 2025. - 2026. gadamPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract notice – light regime
- 784467-2024: Ireland – Business and management consultancy and related services – Annual Review of Performance and Public Funding of Public Service MediaPublication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 783239-2024: Poland – Research and development services and related consultancy services – Świadczenie usług doradczych z zakresu analizy danych z realizacji świadczeń dotyczących POZ, AOS i leczenia szpitalnego - wybór 2 ekspertów ekonomicznych; Części 1-2Publication date: 20/12/2024; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
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