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Smart Specialisation Competencies in Public Administration: Empower Your Region with Targeted Innovation and Growth Strategies

At European Academy, we have just launched a new training programme, ‘Development of Smart Specialisation Competencies in Public Administration,’ a 3-day intensive course developed in response to the request from Romania’s North-East Regional Development Agency. This session is tailored specifically for public administrators who want to enhance their skills in designing and managing Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) to address regional challenges and unlock new opportunities.

What the Course Offers

This comprehensive programme will guide participants through the entire process of Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) design and management. Over the course of three days, attendees will:

  • Understand the S3 Framework: Build a strong foundation in the concepts and principles of Smart Specialisation and understand its significance in fostering economic growth through innovation.
  • Map Their Region’s Strengths: Learn how to identify the unique attributes and competitive advantages of their region, public body, or sector, and use this information to shape their S3 Strategy.
  • Design Effective S3 Strategies: Lay the groundwork for creating a robust S3 Strategy that aligns with regional needs and priorities. They will learn to navigate the complexities of the S3 governance framework, ensuring participation from all key stakeholders.
  • Manage the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP): Master the EDP, a core component of the S3 approach, which involves engaging stakeholders to identify and prioritise key activities that link research, innovation, and economic growth.
  • Operationalise Their Strategy: Transition from strategy to implementation with confidence. They will explore best practices in operationalising an S3 approach, addressing evaluation criteria, and managing the practicalities of S3 project execution.
  • Leverage EC Financial Resources: Discover how to utilise the European Commission’s financial tools and resources to support their S3 initiatives. Learn how to comply with relevant regulations and maximise the impact of their projects.

Intended Audience

This course is ideal for public administrators, policy makers, and professionals in regional development who are directly involved in strategy design, innovation management, and economic development. Whether you are new to Smart Specialisation or seeking to enhance your existing skills, this course will equip you with the practical knowledge and tools needed to succeed.

Tailored Training for Your Needs

Understanding that every public body and region has unique challenges and needs, we offer customised training solutions that can be tailored to fit your specific requirements. Whether you need to adjust the content of this course or develop a completely new programme, our team is ready to assist.

Get Started Today

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to develop the competencies needed to lead Smart Specialisation initiatives in your region. Visit our In-House & Tailor-Made Training Courses page to explore how we can customise this course for your team.

For more information or to discuss your specific needs, contact us today at [email protected] or fill out our online contact form.

Take the first step towards smarter, more impactful public administration and transform your region's future!

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