Testimonial Form Name (required) Surname (required) Company (required) Position Email Address (required) What Course did you participate in? (required) —Please choose an option—Financial Administration & Auditing preparation for EU Funded ProjectsMastering Erasmus+ Proposal Development: From Project Concept to Winning ProposalProposal Writing for Research & Innovation ProjectsPM² Project Management methodology for European Funded ProjectsRisk Management for E.C. Funded ProjectsConsortia Management for E.C. Funded ProjectsImpact of E.C. Funded ResearchInnovation ManagementIndustrial Transition & Innovative ClustersDevelopment of Smart Specialisation Competencies in Public AdministrationDigital Transformation in Practice LinkedIn (required) Please upload your photo (please answer at least one of the questions below) How would you rate the pre-training process? How was your overall experience with the Training Course? How do you think that your knowledge or skills have improved by taking the course? How did the participation in our Training Course benefit your Company or Project? Which Topic would you consider following in the future? —Please choose an option—Financial Administration & Auditing preparation for E.C. Funded ProjectsProposal Writing for Research & Innovation ProjectsManagement and Coordination of E.C. Funded Projects; The PM² MethodologyPM² Project Management methodology for European Funded ProjectsRisk Management for E.C. Funded ProjectsConsortia Management for E.C. Funded ProjectsImpact of E.C. Funded Research I agree in my testimonial being featured in European Academy's website Share this page