In the frame of the Ares(2018)2473579 – 413, European Academy has delivered a two days training on Proposal Writing for applicants of the Priority Axis 1 for the Regional Operational Programme. The course was held from 4 until 5 of June 2018 at Grand Hotel Napoca, in Cluj Napoca. The training included theoretical knowledge, as well as practical exercises, to offer delegates a well-rounded experience. In addition, a workshop with individual project teams was held, in order to assist them with the development of their specific projects and to answer any questions they had regarding the training. The courses provided participants with a solid understanding of the EU projects, focusing on the ROP 2014-2020, and offered them the knowledge and skills necessary for developing their own project proposals. All of the participants have indicated that the continuation of this series of trainings would be particularly beneficial for their projects. European Academy’s experts were completely satisfied with the hospitality and the support of the Regional Development Agency of North West. We look forward to returning to the city for another training.