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Why PM²? The European way for Project Management

Agustín Moya-Colorado

July 2024

Project Management is vital for any organization that aims to achieve its objectives efficiently and effectively. It has been estimated that approximately 60% of the entire EU budget is managed through different project funding mechanisms (Buttner and Leopold, 2016), to support the achievement of its policy objectives. It was only natural that the European Union, as a supra-national organization with such a strong orientation to project-based work, would equip itself with a Project Management Methodology (PM²) with the clear mandate to serve as the shared operating system and the common language for anyone managing projects (EU institutions, Member States Administrations, Private Operators, Universities, etc.) The PM² motto: “A common and open Project Management Methodology for all”, is a clear statement of its pan-European outreach to connect all project-based work done in Europe. So much in line with our European “united in diversity” adage.

This European character of PM² is a first element of its value. PM² was developed for the European Union Institutions and their projects but can be applied by any organization for their own projects. Its design was shaped by practical experience from a range of projects, both inside the European Union Institutions and in external entities. There is a genuine interest in promoting consistency and coherence across all projects in Europe, to facilitate smoother collaboration between all European stakeholders.

By providing a European standardized set of concepts and terminology, PM² facilitates better communication and understanding among Project Management professionals, enabling them to focus on project´s needs rather than futilely discussing interpretations. The PM² Mindset clearly establishes that it is necessary to “remain mindful that project management methodologies are there to serve projects and not the other way around.” This is particularly significant, in fact, in EU-funded projects where it is highly frequent (as it is often encouraged) to have projects implemented by partnerships formed by organizations from several Member States. The availability of a shared language and a common mindset is an obvious advantage for any multi-cultural project team.

In the same fashion, project teams may benefit of PM²´s robust governance model that clearly defines roles and responsibilities within a project, helping avoid conflicts and inefficiencies in decision-making and enhancing accountability and clarity among team members. But also, teams will profit from its clear Lifecycle and the ready-to use set of templates (called Artefacts) available in fully editable files, that provide teams with a solid starting point for PM² adoption, progressively and effectively.

Another standout feature of PM², in line with its European character, is its Open-Source Availability. The methodology, including the PM² Guide and all associated artefacts, is not only freely available for download, but its reproduction and reuse is explicitly authorised provided the source is acknowledged, under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 License. PM² is also highly adaptable, allowing organizations to tailor the methodology to fit the specific requirements of different projects. This availability and flexibility ensure that PM² adds value while encourages widespread adoption and tailoring to meet specific project needs.

It is clear that not all Project Management Methodologies (or approaches, standards, or guidelines) are created equal. All of them aim at providing the best Project Management solutions for their users, and some may have been trying for very long, while some may be too rigid or complex, and others may lack the guidance or tools needed for success. PM² was created to deliver solutions and benefits to its users, with accessibility and usability at its core. It was designed to be easy to understand and implement, purposely avoiding obscure and over-complicated technicalities, but at the same time providing for everything a user may need. Anyone working with projects may be perfectly comfortable with PM² because it is grounded in practical, common-sense principles. It is written in a friendly and non-intimidating language, making it usable from the outset by any individual or organization, emphasizing simplicity and visual aids to make project management accessible even to those who are new to the field.

At the same time, Project Management professionals are also considering PM² as their reference choice because it is robustly founded over globally recognized best practices in Project Management. PM² thoroughly addresses and covers all the necessary elements to address most project management needs but remaining concise and focused on essential practices without overwhelming users with excessive detail. It also allows for the integration of other international standards and frameworks, making it a comprehensive and versatile methodology that can complement existing practices in organizations. In that sense, we must also not forget that PM² is not an isolated initiative for Project Management, but it is part of a Project Management Ecosystem that includes PM² Programme Management, PM² Portfolio Management and also PM²Agile.

But Project Management is not only for organizations, large and small, public and private. Project Management is also important at the individual level. After all, organizations are formed by the people that work in them. It is in fact so important, that the Council of the European Union has adopted a Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, based on a Commission proposal, that identifies Project Management as part of one of the eight key competences needed for personal fulfilment, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, employability, active citizenship and social inclusion. This official document identifies “the ability to work collaboratively in order to plan and manage projects that are of cultural, social or financial value” and recommends that “individuals should know and understand approaches to planning and management of projects”.

Additionally, PM² has been included in the ESCO Catalogue (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) as a cross-sector skill and competence; and it is also included in the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Toolbox, which is a key factor in making a digital transformation possible as it allows administrative entities to electronically exchange meaningful information in ways that are understood by all parties.

The European Commission is leading by example in embracing PM² as the way to manage projects. all the staff of the European Union Institutions has access to the training courses and the certification programme developed and offered by the European Commission, and the numbers of PM²-trained staff grow every year. And the Centre of Excellence in PM² provides the European Commission and EU Institutions with support and consulting services for PM².

So, why PM²? Because PM² is European to the bone, focusing on collaboration, openness, flexibility, thoroughness, and usability, providing all organizations and individuals working with projects in Europe (and beyond) with the best possible European Project Management Methodology. There is no doubt that PM² is called to play a fundamental role in the way Europe manages projects.

Are You Interested in Advancing Your Project Management Skills?

To further enhance your proficiency in PM², particularly within the context of European-funded projects, we invite you to enrol in our specialised open course. This training is meticulously designed to equip you with the essential knowledge, tools, and reference sources necessary to manage projects effectively from initiation to closure. It covers key aspects such as governance, lifecycle phases, risk, and stakeholder management. Upon completing the course, participants will receive a digital Certificate of Training Completion and a complimentary voucher for the PM² Basic Certification Exam. Successfully passing this exam will provide another valuable credential, affirming their comprehensive understanding and dedication to the PM² Methodology. Discover more details and secure your place by visiting the course page.

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